How to Use – Combat Encounter 1 (difficulty 4) For good territory for a bronze dragon wyrmling, or wyrmlings (I see little reason to assume that good alignment dragon wyrmlings would be solitary), I would suggest a cave complex. Because this is a good dragon, and because one of a bronze dragon’s lair effects is… Continue reading
YOUNG BRONZE DRAGON & How to Use Allies Without Overshadowing Players
How to Limit the Use of I already gave several reasons for why the dragon isn’t accompanying them on their quest, or fighting it for them. (Having an NPC accompany the players is generally a mistake. Even more so if it’s more powerful than the players, an thereby stealing the spotlight. [The young bronze dragon… Continue reading
BRASS DRAGON WYRMLING: Hostile in the Heart of Flames
How to Use – Friendly When I came to the first chromatic dragon wyrmling, I spoke out against using wyrmlings. I argued that dragons should feel like a formidable enemy, and that wyrmlings as villains make dragons feel weak. I should have added a caveat. That applies only when the wyrmlings are hostile. There are… Continue reading
YOUNG BRASS DRAGON: Battles of Lies and Fire
How to Use And so, after twenty-seven articles, we come to the good dragons. As is my typical style for good-alignment monsters, we’ll start with the reasons why the PCs are the ones getting sent on the quest, and why the much more powerful good monster isn’t doing it for them. (Somehow, just saying that… Continue reading
RED DRAGON WYRMLING: Protect the Treasure, and the House
The wyrmling has a single attack, the ability to fly, and a lot of movement. While with every other red dragon, I suggested that it would wade into their midst and start bashing, Continue reading
SPINED DEVIL: Messenger, Sentry, and Quick-Moving Attacker
Before I begin, let me say that there is no reason that the spined devil would ever make a melee attack. Continue reading
IMP: How to Make Really Bad Bargains
An imp will be looking for ways to corrupt its master, as well as anybody else that it can. To achieve that end, it will look for ways to suggest evil deeds that have some chance of being persuasive. Continue reading
ICE DEVIL: Making Proper Use of the Ice Wall
The best use for the ice devil is to have him cast his ice wall, and then defend it. Continue reading
ERINYES: Fighting the Furies in a Burning House
How to Use – Corrupter As the only devils to not look obviously evil, I would imagine that they get the job of convincing important mortals to trade their souls and otherwise bargain with the hells. (Run of the mill devils will be approached by imps, the hell’s errand boys. Succubae and/or rakshasas would be… Continue reading
CHAIN DEVIL: How to Maximise Animated Chains
My combat encounters are going to revolve around various ways to use the animate chains ability, but before we get into that, I want to discuss his unnerving face reaction. Continue reading
About Me
I’ve been a DM since I was about 10 years old. (Not of D&D, admittedly, but still.) After growing bored of fights that were all the same, dungeons heavily populated by one monster type, and a general shortage of ideas, I figured I’d embark on my own trip through the Monster Manual, one monster at a time. Feel free to join the quest.