Combat rating 5
How to Use – Combat Encounter 1 (difficulty 4) For good territory for a bronze dragon wyrmling, or wyrmlings (I see little reason to assume that good alignment dragon wyrmlings would be solitary), I would suggest a cave complex. Because this is a good dragon, and because one of a bronze dragon’s lair effects is… Continue reading
WHITE DRAGON WYRMLING: How to Defend a Low-Level Lair
How to use As monsters go, the white dragon wyrmling is potentially pretty powerful for his CR 2 level. His breath weapon does 22 damage on average, which will knock out almost any PC of the matching level if they fail their save. Their chances of making the save are only just over 50% without… Continue reading
RED DRAGON WYRMLING: Protect the Treasure, and the House
The wyrmling has a single attack, the ability to fly, and a lot of movement. While with every other red dragon, I suggested that it would wade into their midst and start bashing, Continue reading
GREEN DRAGON WYRMLING: Fighting While Caught in a Trap
If you are going to use a wyrmling, I would give them one heck of an advantage. In the case of green dragons, this feels like it can be done through traps. I’ll suggest some ideas. Continue reading
BLACK DRAGON WYRMLING: Using Darkness and Fog as Weapons
My first piece of advice regarding wyrmlings would be not to use them. Dragons are the most epic, the most awesome, of all fantasy monsters, and a dragon encounter should be a hard one, with the players struggling to survive. (Especially the first time you use a dragon.) Wyrmlings shatter this concept. I have seen… Continue reading
PLESIOSAURUS: Trapped on the Dinosaur’s Back
The plesiosaurus is the dinosaur with the long neck, which D&D has translated into a 10-foot reach. This is understating it, though. Continue reading
ALLOSAURUS: Hunted by a pack of dinosaurs
Of all the monsters in the Monster Manual, dinosaurs are the ones that really don’t fit. Continue reading
SPINED DEVIL: Messenger, Sentry, and Quick-Moving Attacker
Before I begin, let me say that there is no reason that the spined devil would ever make a melee attack. Continue reading
SHADOW DEMON & How to Use Hiding
The shadow demon has the ability to hide when it’s in partial or complete darkness. As hiding in D&D doesn’t seem to have exact rules, except for the fact that anybody spending an action has a chance to detect someone hidden*, I would Continue reading
COUTAL: The Hidden Advisor
The coutal is good aligned monster that is clearly designed to be a quest giver. It only exists because in order to fulfill a mission given by a long-forgotten deity, it stays in hiding when it doesn’t have a pressing need to act… How else can it possibly be used? Continue reading
About Me
I’ve been a DM since I was about 10 years old. (Not of D&D, admittedly, but still.) After growing bored of fights that were all the same, dungeons heavily populated by one monster type, and a general shortage of ideas, I figured I’d embark on my own trip through the Monster Manual, one monster at a time. Feel free to join the quest.