Combat rating 16
YOUNG BRONZE DRAGON & How to Use Allies Without Overshadowing Players
How to Limit the Use of I already gave several reasons for why the dragon isn’t accompanying them on their quest, or fighting it for them. (Having an NPC accompany the players is generally a mistake. Even more so if it’s more powerful than the players, an thereby stealing the spotlight. [The young bronze dragon… Continue reading
ADULT BRASS DRAGON & Uses for a Powerful Non-combatant
Reasons it Won’t Join the Quest I begin my article with reasons why the dragon doesn’t just do the quest instead of the players, this being one of the most common problems with good-alignment monsters. How to Use – Neutral friendly The brass dragon is a non-combatant when possible. There are numerous other ways to… Continue reading
SHADOW DRAGON: Unleashing terror From Amidst the Darkness
In the last post, I mentioned that shadow dragons keep their presence hidden, and enjoy spreading a dark unknown fear instead of announcing their strength the way every other dragon does. Before going into the details of how it does that, I felt the need to discuss how to use horror in D&D. Now is… Continue reading
ADULT WHITE DRAGON: Defenses of the Frozen Lair
How to use The dragon’s lair (exploring the various obstacles of the dragon’s lair, and how to use them.) I’m going to split the lair into three parts. Reaching the lair, reaching the dragon, and fighting the dragon. Reaching the Lair The entrance to the dragon’s lair will be high up on a mountain. The… Continue reading
YOUNG GREEN DRAGON: How to Run Parley and Combat
With the green dragon, we have a unique type of dragon, in that it will try to avoid fighting when it can. Continue reading
YOUNG BLUE DRAGON: Master of Tactical Fighting
How to Use – Combat Encounter (difficulty 10) The blue dragon is a strategist. It will take note of any weaknesses in its opponents, and fight accordingly. This means that against a group of melee PCs, if will strafe them with its breath, and forgo attacking on the rounds that it can’t if that will… Continue reading
TYRANNASAURES REX: A Dumb Beast, and an Epic Boss
The tyrannosaurus rex is one of those rare monsters that will be exciting encounter just on the strength of their name, or reputation. With other monsters, there are various ways to make them exciting, but they won’t measure up to the reputation that the T. Rex already has. I can’t name ten monsters in the… Continue reading
HORNED DEVIL: How to Use the Devil’s Laziness
or the sake of this article, I am going to assume the horned devil was assigned to watch an entrance. It can be to a magic item, to a portal, or to anything else worth protecting. Continue reading
ERINYES: Fighting the Furies in a Burning House
How to Use – Corrupter As the only devils to not look obviously evil, I would imagine that they get the job of convincing important mortals to trade their souls and otherwise bargain with the hells. (Run of the mill devils will be approached by imps, the hell’s errand boys. Succubae and/or rakshasas would be… Continue reading
CHAIN DEVIL: How to Maximise Animated Chains
My combat encounters are going to revolve around various ways to use the animate chains ability, but before we get into that, I want to discuss his unnerving face reaction. Continue reading
About Me
I’ve been a DM since I was about 10 years old. (Not of D&D, admittedly, but still.) After growing bored of fights that were all the same, dungeons heavily populated by one monster type, and a general shortage of ideas, I figured I’d embark on my own trip through the Monster Manual, one monster at a time. Feel free to join the quest.